
BlueLoop Mobile

BlueLoop provides iOS (iPhone, iPad) and Android users the ability to document, store and share diabetes information real-time: blood glucose, carbohydrates, medication (insulin, Lantus, Metformin, etc.), notes and more.

Instant notifications are sent by email and/or text message as you enter data. These notifications vary based on how you set up each caregiver online in your account.

BlueLoop is safe, secure and simple to use, in a HIPAA-compliant environment. Get mobile diabetes tracking / BG logging / data entry and caregiver notifications with the Blue Loop app!

More Class Time

With the mobile app, kids can test their blood sugars and log the results from their desks.

Less Stress

Parents get notifications as their children check their BGs. No more nagging and less time talking about diabetes!
Android   Apple iOS
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