
It's FREE and EASY


Instantly communicate with your child's doctor and school.


Share important documentation or special requirements.


Log, track, and identify trends.

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Get alerts for out-of-range results. Configure notifications to stay in the loop.

Benefits our teenage daughter enjoys

  • Independence

    It gives her freedom to be a child while she gains independence as she becomes empowered to self-manage.

  • Feeling "Normal"

    Sarah is spending more time in class and less time in the school personnel's office. She's not being singled out or missing as much class time.

  • Helps Others To Understand

    Sarah's teachers are more comfortable with diabetes management.

  • No After School Interrogations

    We're not greeting Sarah after coming home from school with "what were your numbers today?", or rifling through her stuff to get the nurses log/notes.

Everyone Wins!

PWD's (People With Diabetes)

PWD's like the ease and comfort of logging their medical information in one place and keeping people in the loop.


Parents enjoy the peace of mind that comes from being kept abreast of their child’s care throughout the day.

School Personnel

School nurses rave about the instant messaging feature that eliminates the need for interruptive calls and paper trails.
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